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Be a little contagious somehow just by being a peaceful person

By September 22, 2016September 23rd, 2016Perfect Reject Stories • Tattered Torn and Loved •

Be a little contagious somehow just by being a peaceful person. Celebrate difference and diversity.

“Be a little contagious somehow just by being a peaceful person”

There was a lot of violence in my area, you know. A lot of young kids always wanted to fight and do this and do that. Everything was solved by violence. I didn’t like it so I started to, there were a couple incidences where people would fight me and push me. I was really going with that pacifist way. People didn’t think that someone could actually be a pacifist, that someone could get hit and not really do anything about it. I was that guy. I wouldn’t fight. He would beat me up and people would look at me like I was crazy. Little by little people started to realize just talking and speaking can be really powerful. Your voice is your best weapon that you have. You can use it to get into people’s minds. When you speak to someone you’re making a visual, you are making a connection. The whole pacifism, it has inspired me. We all have a lot of differences but if we all come peacefully and love each other then we all can become one. A lot of people just have anger.

I hope to be a positive person that can inspire and influence others little by little. Be a little contagious somehow just by being a peaceful person. I started to realize slowly that it does affect others around you. That really peaceful person in me has really affected others. It’s made them look at me a little different as well as my facial hair and my style. I like to not match sometimes on purpose.

I had a Tigger. I used to love that Tigger, his energy. I grew up in Mexico and I brought him over here. I remember I came before he did and I was all worried. He didn’t come with the luggage. And I was all anxious. When he came it felt so good. It was comforting. He was a friend. It’s sad, overtime I gave him away. It was mine for so long but then when I saw someone appreciate it, it was some kid my mom was taking care of. I saw him appreciate it as much as I did, it was only right that he had it to. I wanted to keep it going.

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories