“A broken heart is an open heart.”
I was dating someone off and on for a long time and we had different ideologies, if you will. He was very conservative and I think he wanted me to be more like that. I’m just not that way. I’m very open, spiritually opened, very liberal. So I think it was a challenge for both of us. Ultimately we broke up because he felt he couldn’t be with someone that way. And in that break up I ended up moving to Venice and it ended up being amazing because this is where my heart is home. I finally found a place for my heart which is in Venice.
My tattoos all mean something a little different. They are symbolic of different things. This one reminds me that a broken heart is an open heart. That is how the light gets in, that is how we heal and grow.
When I was little I had a lavender color bear I named very creatively, Purpley. I carried him with me everywhere. When I was six I broke my arm brought the bear with me to the hospital. They wraped the Bears arm for me too. So we both had a cast.