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I learned about the history that wasn’t told in high school

“I learned about the history that wasn't told in high school. He is holding Wilson the bear named after Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, made by Nina R Salerno
“I learned about the history that wasn’t told in high school”

I saw Malcolm X speak when I was 18 years old and it changed my life in reference to what the real issue was in terms of history. I got all A’s in history in high school so I learned about that history, so then I learned about the history that wasn’t told in high school. That gave me a lot of power.

It changed my life right there on the spot and it has help me change a lot of other people’s lives. I acquainted them with the history that they were not familiar with and how the history affects their lives and that has enhanced their confidence in themselves as human beings with what their ancestors have done in the past.

I had no stuffed animals as a child I was an outdoor person.

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