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I’ve always been on the outside looking in

By January 20, 2016January 30th, 2016Perfect Reject Stories • Tattered Torn and Loved •
“I’ve always been on the outside looking in“. He is holding Wilson the bear named after Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys
“I’ve always been on the outside looking in”

While growing up I never really had any friends because I moved around a lot from city to city, state to state, so eventually I just got tired of trying to make friends. In a sense I just isolated myself, then when I actually wanted to become a social person that’s when it was hard. So pretty much all my life I’ve always been on the outside looking in, even with people I know and even my family. I’m really distant from them.
This has taught me to lead by example and be the person that I want to see in the world, to be the change that I want to see in the world . And it has taught me to be independent and focus on myself and learn to build myself.

I never had any stuffed animals as a child.

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