“OK, if I die now, am I happy?”
I need to hold Wilson, I love Wilson. So cute! I love what he stands for, It is beautiful.
In 2013 I had a bit of a health issue that came to a crescendo where I potentially had, you know a very close call to losing my life, and I opted to sit down and use that opportunity, I was in the hospital. I was in there thinking to myself OK, if I die now, am I happy? Is there anything I want? It was only in that moment that I realized that I had regrets and part of that was because I didn’t go down the path of creative pursuits. I am a very creative person, I have created all my life I just have chosen not to share it with people, … so post, I survived obviously. The near-death experience gave me the epiphany. I basically started writing, I am a writer under the pseudonym Truth Devour. I wrote my first book within the same year then I wrote my second book. Then the following year my third book which was the trilogy. I now released my fourth book last year and I’m just finishing my fifth book. Wantin, the first book, has been winning the LA Book Festival awards in the romance category.
I have been going from strength to strength and it is all based on me honoring who I am. Being true to myself and basically doing what I enjoy the most and it is that passion that’s now brought out the success that I am starting to receive.
I handmade my own a teddy bear which was the first teddy bear I ever owned. I call him Berry Berry Bear because he’s berry berry sweet and berry berry beautiful. I never was given a teddy bear as a child and I alway found myself looking at them but I didn’t want to buy one and I didn’t want to be given one so I made him. I was thirty two when I made him.