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I want to write a teen novel loosely based around my life, about kids with bipolar disorder

I want to write a teen novel loosely based around my life, about kids with bipolar disorder. Celebrate difference and Celebrate diversity.


“I want to write a teen novel loosely based around my life, about kids with bipolar disorder”

Growing up I used to have, I still have, difficulty with mental issues. I had trouble with depression, also bipolar. Also growing up I had trouble with my sexuality. I actually came out recently to my mother and my brother about being pansexual.  So growing up it was really hard. I had five older brothers, all of them very successful and very intelligent. I always felt like the black sheep, basically.

I want to be a writer as well. I want to write a teen novel loosely based around my life, about kids with bipolar disorder. I never really see any stories based around kids with those kind of issues, particularly when mental health is so important to me.

I have a stuffed animal and his name is Winston. He’s a little teddy bear I got when I was eight from my mom. I would always cuddle him when I was going through panic attacks. I would crotch down into a ball and hold him very tight. When I’m crying I would tell him everything, like how sad I am. I had wished someone else would be out here for me and help me out. In my career in the future, I’m 22 years old, I want to be a therapist for middle school and high school kids.

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories  ~ Celebrate Diversity